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Deploy Your Supabase Edge Functions and Database Migrations with Single Command (100x productivity!)

ยท One min read

This is my handy dandy way to deploy lots of Supabase edge functions and sync my migrations all in one go:

In a makefile at project root:

# see the migration protip below!
supabase db diff -f $(f) -s public,extensions --local

@echo 'Deploying DB migrations now'
@supabase db push
@echo 'Deploying functions now'
@find ./supabase/functions/* -type d ! -name '_*' | xargs -I {} basename {} | xargs -I {} supabase functions deploy {}

.PHONY: diff deploy

Just run make deploy and it will push the database migrations and deploy all edge functions in the supabase/functions folder.

The edge functions deploy will also ignore all folders that start with _, which is usually shared code modules and not an actual edge function that you would want to deploy.

Migration Generation ProTipโ€‹

You can also use make diff f=my_migration_name that I added in above to generate a database migration diff faster than you can say "Yes please!" (Actually the diff-ing is not very fast, so you might finish saying it before it completes. Try saying it letter by letter ๐Ÿ˜„)